

 When you look around you,you will find more intriguing facts about you that you never knew were within you


 They call me Karen, yeah,Karen kasum Ademola.Lived in Cali(short for Calabar, before you think I mean California 😁) all my life,well until I got tired of being referred to as "Ini" and relocated to Owerri.That is funny though,like why would I,a Yoruba girl be called iniabong,of all the names in the world,at least "Simbi" would sound better.But my relocation wasn't totally because of the name calling,my older brother decided I come stay with him since my other sisters would be relocating out of the country soon,and I am yet to complete my senior secondary school.Anyways,this is not about my biography,I want to share my burdens with you. As an introvert,I walk or live in life as someone that is always criticized,said "No" to and mocked.Right from junior secondary,I always felt extremely shy and my classmates took it for pride.Because I didn't position myself in a way to be talked freely with,but they didn't get the part where as an introvert,I

Today's Quotes

A lot was and will be said in your absence;good or bad,so don't over protect people's opinions about you,just do good as much as it lies in your power to do so.


She longed for more,get more out of herself.Reach out to more people in her field of study.Her eyes once brightened at the sight of Emotional intelligence by David Goleman.The Book inspired her to get her emotions into good use,she totally knew she could do more than just sit around and let circumstances dictate her feelings and all that.She wanted to be true to herself,feel like herself in general.And feel ok to be herself.One thing she hid from herself since early teenage.On that faithless day,Bella trusted her instincts and took the big chunk of step to stand up for herself when she encountered an emotional blackmail.Long story cut short,she is still recovering from the bruises she sustained that very day.Her heart literally broke into tiny pieces the very moment that word "you" came fiercely at her."You?,who do you even think you are not to be talked to?,what is giving you the mind?".Bella realised she actually was a total  NOBODY.What came over you in the first


"It does not hurt at all,it's not parasitic on me".Well,does that describe how you look at inferiority complex as a result of low self-esteem?,I bet it does.We look for excuses on a daily basis to hide under and fold our arms, waiting for the harm to disappear naturally out of our lives.But you need no one to tell you the issue of low self-esteem is solved mindfully.Its solved when you decide to roll up your sleeves and pick the towel you threw in to fight till it gives way for a better esteem you desire.Magic is real, but magic is hard work,first,you believe that it would work when you fling the Magic wand towards what you are hoping to transform,then the magic happens,then you arrange your mind to grasp the whole idea so it doesn't overwhelm you.I mean,magics doesn't come to us easily,it's hard work,then success,so when we actually want to get this magic done,we have to really prepare for it.Because lack of preparations helps one end up in a dead end,yes, ri


 Ever wondered why it is difficult to make out something new? or have you ever given up on certain goals you desire to need not beat yourself up about it,just start up afresh.There is power  in a fresh start.


1-You have God as your father,so it is His characters you are to imitate.So, copy God's lifestyle,How He acts in situations.Jesus was God in human form,you could read through the word of God and study how Jesus lived on earth,you will catch a glimpse of how God behaves. 2-Humility should be your first trait before any other is seen.It should be your advertising edge in life.It will bring you before great men.2Cor8:2 NLT "But sometimes, our humble minds can help us more than our proud minds". Humility has an aura,it attracts good people to you,but that doesn't mean the wrong ones won't come in some times,your discerning spirit will help you fish them out and keep them afar off your life. 3-Make being cheerful your daily routine, because you don't know how happier you can be with that in the picture. 4-On a daily basis,study His word,it is the manual for living, so why not?. 5-Be soft spoken even when you don't feel like,it really helps.Ephesians says "


 When you mindfully create time to build on your inside, train yourself to be disciplined enough to take on life challenges and conquer.When you desire a life changing experience that could sweep you off your comfort zone,remove mediocrity and reduce negative self-talk from you,you will NEVER BE THE SAME , YOU CANNOT BE THE SAME. Trust me,those hardworking plans are not easy to achieve,so when you finally do achieve them,you definitely won't be the same.You will grow bigger,more versatile, experienced,and have more edge than others in your circle.And that brings relevancy in every area of your life.


 I hate to say it,but,you can't actually overcome mediocrity totally,you can only wedge a strong war against it,and see yourself grow tremendously from the low life it kept you as,to a better person you have always desired to be.Now don't get me wrong, being optimistic about it's disappearance in our lives is totally not an issue,it's the ignorance we feign that makes mediocrity a normal in our lives that makes it actually difficult to deal with.You can't deal with mediocrity by siding it,it is not and should never be called a trait.Alright,I get it,maybe,just maybe while you were growing up,you fell into it somehow,but now you have grown,get over it.It keeps you in a spot in life,it makes you feel comfortable in a burning house until it consumes you and the house.Get up,and go.