"It does not hurt at all,it's not parasitic on me".Well,does that describe how you look at inferiority complex as a result of low self-esteem?,I bet it does.We look for excuses on a daily basis to hide under and fold our arms, waiting for the harm to disappear naturally out of our lives.But you need no one to tell you the issue of low self-esteem is solved mindfully.Its solved when you decide to roll up your sleeves and pick the towel you threw in to fight till it gives way for a better esteem you desire.Magic is real, but magic is hard work,first,you believe that it would work when you fling the Magic wand towards what you are hoping to transform,then the magic happens,then you arrange your mind to grasp the whole idea so it doesn't overwhelm you.I mean,magics doesn't come to us easily,it's hard work,then success,so when we actually want to get this magic done,we have to really prepare for it.Because lack of preparations helps one end up in a dead end,yes, right now, lack of preparations helps,it doesn't present itself as a harm that doesn't want to help in any way,it presents itself as a worthy agent that can only help you fail if you give in to it's tactics.So it's our choice to make make it realise we don't in any way want it in our lives.

The early signs of low self-esteem shouldn't be toyed with,not in any sense at all.Why, because it always ends in disasters.If you don't fight it and win,you are likely going to live the rest of your life as a mediocre.Now,that's a terrible thing to imagine.Just think about you gallivanting, doing nothing purposeful, being too busy,yet unproductive in every aspect of your life,the whole of your life.Then maybe,just maybe,at the very end,you are to gain a lifetime pleasure,but the life leaves you behind…DEATH 

you won't forgive yourself at the other side,you will live regrettably and sorrowfully bitter.Kill it,kill the signs you see.Those moments that you find yourself avoiding associations,not  talking to people, not being yourself in some places,not actually standing by your opinion because miss Joe says it's the right thing to do,and not actually because you chose it's the right thing to say,the list is long,but whenever you find yourself in any of these situations,it is always the trigger to kill low self-esteem.As insignificant as they may seem,I mean, anyone,just anyone can decide to chill alone and not want companies,or,it's ok to compromise sometimes (you know your compromise is becoming a habit).After all, happiness can be self developed…just hold up.You do know you can't run your life all alone,yeah because "no man is an island".Was reading an article about child caregiver,realised it really do cost a "village" to take care of one child.The writer in that little way tried to emphasize the importance of having many hands on deck for the work of child raising.And this applies to every aspect of one's life.Yeah,you could say the Good God will make ways for you, but He is not going to come down from heaven to open those doors you seek to be opened,He will definitely use people to open those doors,which makes it correct.We need humans to thrive,and low self-esteem is an enemy of humans.It makes you ostracize yourself and imagine there will be a life without people actually coming in every few times to help you achieve that goal and dream.But there right there is where it lies,you need lives around you to be able to make any move of impact.

Take for an instance,a food blogger definitely needs a good videography team to make the video come out well,the blogger can't run it all alone.Yeah sure,he or she can employ someone in to do that,but you need a good relationship with the videographer for a good job to be delivered.It is not magical,it just needs you to put things in place.

I need you to understand that life has a lot to offer you but you have to allow everyone to take their stance on their respective positions to help you achieve it big.Having relationships doesn't always mean hanging out with them,yes, because true friends knows when to give space and let each other breathe.But when it is time for their help,they manifest in a timely manner.All you need do is make good friends, that's just it.I feel the fear you have is mixing with the wrong Bloods,but "you make friends, friends don't make you".That should be your guide always when giving "relationships" a try.That way,you would know the circle of people you bring around your life,so you don't end up living all your life trying to please people and ending up depressed.So one with people would do than one who lacks what it takes to act move ahead in life.Don't get it wrong,the people I am encouraging you to have in your life are not there because you don't have the ability to become your real self,but they are there as ladders to help you reach out more to life,get the best of it and keep moving on.The people are your help meet.Take the popular Travis Greene for an instance,he runs a church and music ministry,he has the help of his team to make anything possible for him.He possibly can't do the singing and backing up,or even play all the musical instruments needed for the music to come out beautifully.God Himself created the whole world and everything in it with the help of God the son and God the Holy Spirit as well,He is sovereign,so He didn't need them,but He understood the power of working with more hands.


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