
I need me

I need me to stand up for myself,speak up when necessary,decide to be a loving person for others and myself, value myself and be in terms with me. Starting from today henceforth, I'll love the me I am and care for the me I am.. Everyone on Earth need themselves,those whiles when friends and family are away and busy ... you need a sparkling relationship with yourself before you can stay with yourself in those quite times.

Love others

You can help that lady,that young man who is battling with inferiority complex.. Just a little step can help him or her out of that pain of having to be pinned down with the pains of being rejected.


Reading through rules of work by Richard tampler,I really was amazed by my findings. He made a great point that caught my attention for a long while; WALK YOUR TALK. it's good you confess,affirm and say positive words to yourself,but it's another thing to walk like you already are what you are saying,if in your mind you think you are worth more than anything,then your actions should exhibit pride in your self. I'm not encouraging anyone to be proud,but when you walk your talk,it'll actualize more than you can ever think of. People will accept who you walk as than who you talk like you want to be. Look,the way you say...if you want to be valued, value yourself.. And look like someone anyone can value. That,my friend,is called good self esteem.

Quotes of the day

And #Bellanaija is at it again,a heart warming quote by Chris Pine. "Ignore the naysayers. Really the only option is: head down and focus on the job". The post #BNQuoteoftheDay appeared first on BellaNaija - Showcasing Africa to the world. Read today!,@Bellanaija to the world


Tara is selfish 😡,Lara doesn't think about me having to decide first before she encroaches into my boundaries. What's up! Everyone thinks awkwardly. Well,all these are the thoughts of someone whose obsession is picking out every little mistake that is seen in Every life. And,tell you what?.. happiness is far from this fellow, because the life of this person is centered on whether or not one is perfect. Open mindedness is what you need,if you are to survive in this life, because as for people stepping on your toes,it is 100% certain. Why not drive your obsession to pick out other things that won't hurt you?


No one on Earth,has same qualities with another person, not even twins, nor triplets has same likes,passions,hobbies etc. It is so because we all are wired differently,to make life beautiful. So,the fact you see others manifesting theirs doesn't mean that's all that has to be in life,you have yours too. If someone is an awesome dancer,you can be an awesome can only limit yourself from using your gift,but the gift is there,a different gift. Yes,there are many singers,dancers all over the world,but do they sing alike? No. That shows that everyone has their differences

The introvert

They are not weird,or self centered and proud. It's just the nature they can't do anything to, yes,their over reserved nature that makes them prefer their company to being in the midst of lots of people. When you come across any person that is an introvert,your trying to make the person get out more, socialize and all of that might be misinterpreted. Let the choice be made by them,you don't know how much they've been struggling to stop being shy out there,so don't use insulting words in a playful way to try talking them out of it.

Quotes of the day

If you find out what kills your Joy,don't kill it immediately,just show it how you can be happy even when it's still around.

The crucial love languages

And the time is here Welcome on board,do relax and read out the whole messages. I read this book a long time ago,and lost the book,so but I got it back in my phone and had to re read it once again.. THE LOVE LANGUAGES is so powerful that it wouldn't just limit it's helpfulness in your marital life,but also at work,with in laws, neighbors etc. It is applicable to anywhere you find yourself in,and of course,it's help is wonderful. Gary Chapman listed 5 of them Physical touch Where he talked about an individual whose love language can be filled via being showed love by making a physical touch with the person Acts of service Gary says,those little help you render can go a long way in this person's life,he or she will appreciate it better if you help out with some work,rather than stroking his or her hair or asking to massage. Words of affirmation Perfect,when you discover that encouraging words helps someone,do you think offering to help wash the clothes would help the pers

Shake it off

The weather is quite chilly,you need to see people around hugging their sweaters tight to their body, shivering. Why not try something like this; Doing one specific thing you love,could be dancing around the room, singing,or perhaps try rearranging your closets or room,or washing off some dirty plates. Yeah something that'll make you sweat. Just hang in there.