
The people problem

Everyone is thinking, thinking that doing a particular task would give him Fame and money. But can you still rise to keep running on the track when you fall? Drop a comment of what your past failures has been like And how you decided to move on. You might be encouraging someone unknowingly.

Be yourself

Admire people,but never in your life wish to be like them,I mean... being all they are. Yes you can have a model and desire to be as successful as they are,but trying hard to have their kind of looks,dress like them and possess their spec of dressing is not worth it. Theres still enough space out there for you to live out your unique lifestyle,inspire someone to be who they are,not to be like you. Reason is because,you'll feel more depressed when you can't have all that the person you are copying has,but being content with who you are,what you have and all of that will save you a lot.

Crystal clear

Your heart is the power house, house of your emotions, which in turn determines your actions. Imagine having a heart full of positivity,love,greed free feelings and so on? Yeah right, spontaneous isn't it? .. you'll view everything in life differently from someone that possess opposite of what you have. Those attributes I mentioned are not got from the gene, neither is it got from just being anointed,it instead is got from discipline. Yes, discipline is the keyword because you can't have all those in you unless you are willing to go an extra mile to have them in you. The crystal clear heart is beautiful and enticing but getting there is as hard as succeeding in life. Wait,what's that look you're giving me?.. succeeding in life is not easy,well,count out making it in life through Ponzi schemes as part of what I'm talking about😆 Nothing in life comes easily,if you doubt me,ask Jeff,bill gates,mark zukerberg and other world billionaires if it was. You think writin

Life hacks

Hello world,it's been a lovely day....just enjoy the evening with these interesting knowledge. Here are few life hacks that can help you out at any urgent moment as possible. When in a public place and you feel like sneezing,'s kind of embarrassing especially when sitting in a meeting or in a bus.. coupled with the fact that we are in covid-19 era 😆 you wouldn't want to seen as a victim. So lift your tongue to touch your upper teeth,hold it on for some seconds..and I tell you the sneeze will stop at once. Second one is,when you find out some chewing gum has glued to your jean,you don't need to use razor or any other thing to scrap it off,just put the jean in a freezer,allow it to block,then you can remove the gum easily since it's all iced up and can be scraped off. Thanks for reading,have a fun evening. Virthzblogspot loves you

Take your joy to the next level

Hey hey hey. 😃 Good morning from this side to y'all ❣️ Yes,the night was far spent and the day is quite promising..and trust me,it's not time to stuff yourself up with inspirational quotes that has a list of thousands things to do or not do to keep your joy at its normal level.. Your joy is your responsibility,I mean apart from what you are told to do while you read the book,your joy will elevate to it's peak if you only live your life in a way that pleases your heart. The greatest happiness you can ever have is deciding to be Happy..not depending on situations to dictate what your mood is like... Not allowing people ride you to and fro... It's high time you smile broadly even when you don't feel like it,accept the mistakes people blame on you,even when it wasn't your fault... Don't let anyone tamper with your joy. It's priceless,only when you help it get to it's fullest extent. Nice having you here.. Virthzblogspot cares

Count(quotes of the day)

Look into the mirror and smile widely to,you made it to another beautiful morning, dwelling on what you couldn't achieve would do you No good,pick up from where you stopped,greater steps awaits you,you have gone too far to quit...shake off that failure..the success is a stone throw away.

Dressing hacks

You don't need 1million clothes to be a good dresser,those few you have are enough..just learn to use them well,they add to your esteem especially when you value them a lot Take an appropriate care of all of your clothes Sew up any part that is about to tear off  Add some colours to some of them,by sewing in some piece of beautiful Ankara material on your trousers, shirts etc Wear them with dignity. Remember,it's not about what you own,but how you value them that matters . "If you have something of good quality and take care of it you'll have it forever,but when you don't mismanage it,it'll rust"

How to handle fear

There are lots of books, messages, podcasts and thousands of means where we can read on that topic,and really..they aid a lot But can I tell you that,few months after reading those books, listening to those audio messages and all of that,80% of what you learnt clear off your memory? I know I sound so untrue in a way,but trust me.. experience has taught a lot...and you who is a reading type can testify to this. Yes it's good to get informed,I'm not trying to discourage anybody from doing so but, immediate actions is what will help you digest all you've learnt. Here are few ways -write down just one thing you fear a lot Could be that you are afraid of leaving the circle,your comfort zone -sit down and think deeply about every single reason of why you fear it -ask yourself if moving on with it will better or mar your life You don't need 50 things to do to overcome fear,the less it is,and the more you put in great effort,the result will show up unnoticed  -Write out what yo


Revealing what you don't have built inside you will not only bring you depression,but will make you loam about with guilt of showcasing what you really don't have

It's in the words

#Quotes of the day, nobody wants to be around someone who's esteem is sick,you'll depend on everyone and everything to help you get better,speak goods words into your life...the pride lies there. Mymeblog