
New day to conquer

oh wow its a wonderful month to remember,and hey... don't go about today complaining about things that didn't work out for you last month,its time to get up,pick the pieces and run! yeah right, run with that purpose in mind.

Get used to these things

 many a times,the situations around us makes us withdraw from being who we are supposed to really be,but let go of this,and get your life in it's full gear.

Getting it right

"How you handle the truth you know matters, it'll make or Mar you"-todays quote

Quotes of the day

 Start early enough, because success takes lots of time to be actualized,those unfruitful years will be the story you'll share after you made history.

How strong is your esteem? crucial questions you need to answer

Everyone in one way or another must have experienced set down emotionally,either by what they heard from others about themselves or how people treated them. This also includes those who's self esteem is healthy, and know their self worth,yeah because we all are humans,and at some points,the fences of our emotional support fall apart,but so many people bounce back and take off from where they fell. It's all about the next thing one does after being the main topic in the criticisms. It just doesn't feel right, why would anyone just enjoy making others feel so inferior... well, that's is Life for us all. Now,on the numbering of 1-10,where is your esteem at? 1-LOOSERS- this ones are mostly affected by everything that people say that are negative to their joy,they have no structure guiding their emotions,just anything can hurt them,at anytime....they do everything out of what people tell them to it, They marry , because they feel they are doing their family good,no


                Go get it  If you long for that luxurious lifestyle,go get it,on your way to getting it you'll find helpers.... sitting won't help you find them.


Several years ago I was struggling with low self-esteem, inferiority complex and everything that has to do with seeing myself in a negative view. It pinned me down,stole all the opportunities that could get me to the top of the ladder of success,if I worked on them,it was a terrible experience I must say. So,after graduating from high school, I felt it was high time I worked on myself or I'll die off with my potentials. "Hell no" I blurted out one time I was pondering on everything. But, the thought of knowing my family background and how i was treated both by family and friends kept pulling me back to the ground,I was talked down on,no one saw any good in me,and it made me hide in my shell always. I read something on the internet one time like that,"no one can love you the way you love yourself"!,how true. You know your weaknesses, you see the flaws on your skin,you know the failures you've encountered in the closet... but you didn't leave yoursel

Life savers is here again with some powerful tips.... Short cuts will cut you short,but life hacks saves life. Smiles those pair are unbelievably true... Instead of bearing grudges, because you don't want to speak to someone about something that really made you feel bad, saying it aloud to yourself when no one is around can help a lot...yes because you get to release the anger, advice yourself and move on. Lending little help,like helping some kids cross a path that is filled with dirty water,or helping someone lift up something they can't do alone,or offering to pay for someone's transportation fare....all these helps you feel relaxed and joyful on the inside. Writing down things you discovered about yourself helps you find love in knowing you are improving.

Review those in view

Oh it's really wonderful to acquire those set of lucrative skills,they sure will help you earn 6 figures and a healthy self esteem. But you know what will keep you in everlasting regrets? Not following your passion. Yes,money solves 90 percent of our daily needs,90 because it obviously is worth it,and money is the second need of man after happiness,but note this,money doesn't give you a 100 percent happiness...if you wanna know the authenticity of this, ask the entrepreneurs and other working classes. Let's not run far off,there are many things in view the you ignore,yes all because you feel you need something much bigger that can earn you fans, Fame and the money.. isn't that beautiful? But hey,what if your unique style of smiling becomes your major source of income? Smiles,yeah odd,but true..just ask me how. Working as a receptionist at a hotel gave me a full experience of what I'm about telling you right now,well,here it is; The amount of your genuine smile deter

Africa's most wanted individual

You probably are waiting to read one gigantic name of someone who has made a lot of achievements and has made name for his or herself,not no no no,I'm talking about you. You who is reading this post,yes..don't you know you are Africa's most wanted? You are valuable and loved,it's all about time,you'll be known all over the world. Keep grinding,keep working on your dreams.