Several years ago I was struggling with low self-esteem, inferiority complex and everything that has to do with seeing myself in a negative view.
It pinned me down,stole all the opportunities that could get me to the top of the ladder of success,if I worked on them,it was a terrible experience I must say.
So,after graduating from high school, I felt it was high time I worked on myself or I'll die off with my potentials. "Hell no" I blurted out one time I was pondering on everything.
But, the thought of knowing my family background and how i was treated both by family and friends kept pulling me back to the ground,I was talked down on,no one saw any good in me,and it made me hide in my shell always.
I read something on the internet one time like that,"no one can love you the way you love yourself"...wow!,how true.
You know your weaknesses, you see the flaws on your skin,you know the failures you've encountered in the closet... but you didn't leave yourself and embrace another.
Allowing negativity to teach you how to think will make you a full time failure, because you can't achieve what you believe you can't achieve,it's all about the inside.
Many people might believe in you,but you can't make any move if you don't believe in yourself too.
Embrace yourself,tell yourself "you are my me".right, mymeblog gat you.


Rabbi Harrison said…
I'm Obident
You're trying

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