
Watch out for these

The people,who even when they see the blueprints of your life,will never encourage your small beginning,but try in every way to dissuade you from moving forward with this "life no balance" talk to make you feel you'll still fail in one way or get lucky in another way. They are  the little foxes in the vineyard,keep yours away from them by building iron fences about them. I care about you,and love you,this blog isn't for writing up news,cox I know you can get news from any other place,but there are words that you are likely not to get from just anywhere except from certain places,of which here is part. Thank you for reading through ❤️

Virthzblogspot quotes

If that achievement is all you have in mind,then your definition of success is wrong, success is a long journey to a destination that will never come until death. Go about today joyful, you'll get through all those challenges

Little ways your life can help others.

In life,your life is not to be lived for yourself alone and useful to yourself alone,there is more to do for others,more to get through to others. It mustn't always be about you helping people with money,or other help relating to finance. It could be helping them discovering and understanding themselves in life,yes, truly so many lives has been at stake and confused,all because of not knowing their purpose and placement in life, which of course reduces their usability to 30%. Because one can teach, doesn't mean he's fulfilling destiny, because playing drums is fun, doesn't make life complete,but until purpose is found and run it,life remains ever useless and painful.yes, everything looks plain to you,you can't see opportunity in anything,all you see is just the things that comes in and goes,and while others are rejoicing because of seen opportunities,you are surprised and bitter because of lost opportunities. You,you,you,yes I'm talking about you,no,not that oth

Quotes of the day

"Learn to learn",it sounds incorrect but read it with deep meaning,you'll find out what it's all about. Learning helps you to stay enlightened,but when you feel you know it all, surprises awaits you.

Consistency pays

Remembering the past challenge that made me almost give up,and throw in the towel. I wrote series of article on my opera mini news hub,and it was a serious headache because everything I wrote were rejected. To be honest,I cried,yes it pained me so much because I needed to get across to so many people as possible to read my write up and be transformed. It took me 1 month to be able to get the correct content they wanted to get published. Early this morning I woke up around 3am,after checking out my face on the mirror to know what I was feeling on my face,and funny enough it was a reddened pimple 😄,I washed off the sweat drops on my face,yeah,we didn't have light this morning,so I was sweating a bit. When I got back to bed,I decided to give the writing a chance,I wrote something about INFERIORITY  and posted it. Boom! It was published,and my joy knew no bounds when I saw my views went up to 1.2k  As I'm speaking right now,it's 8.4k views already! Yes!! I kept on,I didn't


They'll love you,hurt you,fight for you, dislike you,be with you, abandon you... The thing is,not everyone can keep up to your taste... appreciate being alive,avoid using your precious time to dwell on the bad deeds done to you...

I need me

I need me to stand up for myself,speak up when necessary,decide to be a loving person for others and myself, value myself and be in terms with me. Starting from today henceforth, I'll love the me I am and care for the me I am.. Everyone on Earth need themselves,those whiles when friends and family are away and busy ... you need a sparkling relationship with yourself before you can stay with yourself in those quite times.

Love others

You can help that lady,that young man who is battling with inferiority complex.. Just a little step can help him or her out of that pain of having to be pinned down with the pains of being rejected.


Reading through rules of work by Richard tampler,I really was amazed by my findings. He made a great point that caught my attention for a long while; WALK YOUR TALK. it's good you confess,affirm and say positive words to yourself,but it's another thing to walk like you already are what you are saying,if in your mind you think you are worth more than anything,then your actions should exhibit pride in your self. I'm not encouraging anyone to be proud,but when you walk your talk,it'll actualize more than you can ever think of. People will accept who you walk as than who you talk like you want to be. Look,the way you say...if you want to be valued, value yourself.. And look like someone anyone can value. That,my friend,is called good self esteem.

Quotes of the day

And #Bellanaija is at it again,a heart warming quote by Chris Pine. "Ignore the naysayers. Really the only option is: head down and focus on the job". The post #BNQuoteoftheDay appeared first on BellaNaija - Showcasing Africa to the world. Read today!,@Bellanaija to the world