Gain in preparation

Everyone on earth is destined to be great.....go and read that again...yes, I'm serious about that, because....i sure will ask you about something in that line,so to save yourself the stress of scrolling back to check, go back and read the first line again and again....there you go. Now,its not a prophecy kind of statement,its a reality everyone should embrace,why?,it has been set like that.No manufacturer starts building in a feature into an already launched good,he puts in every design he has in mind while producing the material.same way!,yes,When everyone was created,all the requirements needed were coupled into each individual, regardless of where one was born into.But,the only mistake people make is not to discover their potentials and prepare greatly towards achieving that feature in the potential,no one, absolutely no one enjoys preparations,but everyone sure loves the gain.......... so,what flower do i get you?, because hey,i lied about going to ask you something about the first line,i can get you flowers or we can hug it out, what's your best?........and off I go,i guess my dumplings are ready to to eaten


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