Ever wondered how other people felt when you flaunted your achievements?.....well, probably no,yes because you either don't care or you do them intentionally to hurt them.................................... sorry for the Long line,well i actually think you should ponder very well while counting the dots.... because deep down in that heart is a full resentment growing up for you. let's get things straightened,the good book says "love your neighbor as yourself"... but that doesn't mean that when yourself (which in the other way round is the neighbor) feels told about some certain things that has been done wrong and knows it actually is wrong ...but still decides to carry out the action...then one should still love oneself for doing such... that's a total THINK.... yes, THINK before you do your random show offs, THINK before you say that word (its not always about,.."well,if they can't deal with it,they should *uck off)........{i sincerely apologise for using that strong word}...but THINK,yes, THINK IT THROUGH. what if, just, what if that young lady,young man is trying to recover from inferiority complex that has stolen so many opportunities from him or her...and you bring on your burden and dump it there. Just THINK


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