Dealing with self

This part is the most difficult part of life,where you can't control how you feel towards other's opinions about what you do or generally who you are.
What you hear gets to your heart,and really affects everything you do or are down in pain of what doesn't matter.
Because it appears like it matters,you get all worked up trying to put everything in order, trying to please just everyone that comes your way.which of course is an impossible mission,well unless you are ready to die untimely.. because suicide awaits you.
Your self is the problem,I mean,really..are you 100 in 1?..
You can't ever fulfill every promises,so why go ahead trying to make it all work out ..and allow self(low self-esteem, painful inferiority complex) to eat you up?
Stay true to yourself, accept yourself..yes, accept that imperfect you, because you forever won't be all perfect
You'll make mistakes,but those mistakes aren't the who you are.
They all are phases you'll surely go through to become better..


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