Crystal clear

Your heart is the power house, house of your emotions, which in turn determines your actions.
Imagine having a heart full of positivity,love,greed free feelings and so on? Yeah right, spontaneous isn't it?.. you'll view everything in life differently from someone that possess opposite of what you have.
Those attributes I mentioned are not got from the gene, neither is it got from just being anointed,it instead is got from discipline.
Yes, discipline is the keyword because you can't have all those in you unless you are willing to go an extra mile to have them in you.
The crystal clear heart is beautiful and enticing but getting there is as hard as succeeding in life.
Wait,what's that look you're giving me?.. succeeding in life is not easy,well,count out making it in life through Ponzi schemes as part of what I'm talking about😆
Nothing in life comes easily,if you doubt me,ask Jeff,bill gates,mark zukerberg and other world billionaires if it was.
You think writing on a blog is easy?...try sitting down to think up something unique,your brain will go dumb for some minutes,or hours..and probably you'll give up..and procrastinate.
Serving God ain't easy either,you'll do some get that idea off your head.
The reason it shouldn't be easy to succeed is because you'll need to tell a story of your success later in life.
Keep that heart as clear as crystal,it's the window of your life.
And trust me,your life is important to yourself,your family, to the world,and of course to me😃,yeah I need you to read more of my blogs,and spread goodnews.
Virthzblogspot loves you


Unknown said…
Hmmm that was Awesome..
Daniel said…
Nice write up dear

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