Talking about yourself with confidence and true respect will not only boost your esteem but make people respect you,your decisions and everything about you.
You owe nobody any humility, because by letting people regard you as important first,it makes criticism get to you faster than when you praise yourself by yourself.
"Guard your heart with all diligence,your life is tied to it" this quote is got from the Bible,yeah although it was paraphrased...
It says when your heart is out there for people to use and unuse,hurts and pain will never be scarce around you.
What they say,how they say it, everything will matter to you.
And when people find out low self-esteem is your weakness, they'll try to pull you down the more.
In my other blog that was folded,or rather anything that happened to it I just can't tell..but it suddenly wiped off,I wrote; "to your self esteem is tied self Discovery" because you find out that when you have finally discovered many things about yourself..your talents,gifts and all of that.
Then living out those discoveries keeps your esteem in a good shape, knowing fully well that you matter.
And you're contributing immersely to the society at large.
So I enjoin you to take a paper and a pen, scribble out everything you know can do...know the ones you have naturally as a gift.
Build skills to reinforce them,and make the outstanding difference in life.